Thoughts on The Diary of Anne Frank
Dearest hearts,
Today I welcome you to a bit of history: 1944 – The Holocaust: A tip from a Dutch informer leads the Gestapo to a sealed-off area in an Amsterdam warehouse, where they find and arrest Jewish diarist Anne Frank, her family, and four others.
I have never been to Amsterdam, though when I do visit it on top of my "Must Visit" places is the house, the rooftop, where Anne Frank's last happy moments with her family were lived. There is no other story, in history, so deep and tragic as the story of this your girl who was just beginning to live her life. Of course there are many tragic stories related to the Holocaust, The Second World War, Auschwitz and all the other lesser known concentration camps... but Anne Frank's story stands out from the rest, maybe due to its tragic ending.
It was first published in 1947 and I believe that would have been a tough choice for her father - the sole survivor from the entire family - to take. I believe that he wanted the world to see the hardship they have all endured but also how Anne maintained a positive attitude throughout it. For a 13 year old girl I believe that is remarkable! Somehow children back then were built from a tougher and wiser material than kids nowdays. I do not believe a girl from our times would have reacted in the same way as Anne did.
The Anne Frank Diary was always meant to be public, or at least that was what her father thought, and I am happy (and saddened at the same time...) that the thoughts of this young girl, brewing into a lady, are now able to be read in any language. She is a witness of what the Holocaust meant for the regular people, like ourselves, and she is a reminder... a reminder that these things should not happen, that history must not repeat itself (even though it usually does... again and again... and you can see that on the media nowdays!).
It's amazing to see how her spirit, even shaken, does not break. She still believes that people are good inside - despite everything she believes that people are still good at heart. I love that attitude because it's the attitude I hold to life. Even though I had ugly encounters with people who were beautiful on the outside and rotten on the inside, I still like to believe that everyone can be kind. Everyone has a good side... that they show from time to time, to certain people. It's better to think of people being good than the world being all bad... I would be afraid to give birth to a baby if the world would be so horrible... So I love Anne for loving the World, loving People, like I do!
Anne died in Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, not in the gas chambers as it's widely believed. Emaciated, she had already lost her mother to starvation and her sister to typhus, she believe that her father was dead. Only 3 days after her sisters death, Anne passed away (typhus) in March 1945. Sadly enough, that was too far away from the time when, a couple weeks later, the British troupes helped break through the camp and everyone was released... Some things, some stories are meant to be tragic to teach us a lesson about life. To teach us that hatred should not exist and that people should love and cherish and respect eachother. That's what I wanted to share with you today: Love one another!
Yours very sincerly,
The Twisted Red LadyBug that tries to love everyone, even though that may be hard sometimes - it takes practice and patience!